
近日,依云携手W+K发起新的全球Campaign"Drink True",宣扬更加环保、天然的主张,颂扬真实、透明、诚实,强调依云的矿泉水来自阿尔卑斯雪山,是依云此前提出的“在2025年前实现全面可循环”景愿的产物。

Campaign由两部分构成,第一部分是流行歌手Dua Lipa出镜的纪录片风格影片,第二部分是介绍依云水源的影片《Drink Water》。

影片中,依云全球品牌大使Dua Lipa在最真实、放松、开心的状态下清唱热门单曲《Levitating》,伴随着她的精彩表现,影片传递出展现真实自我、焕发光芒的美好。她说,忠实于自己是力量的源泉。

《Drink Water》

短片《Drink Water》中,来自法国的15岁女孩Manon带我们领略了依云矿泉水从雪山山巅到水瓶中的15年历程。


Drink water, but not just any water, 喝水,但不能不加选择drink water that is born here, 喝像我一样 in the french house, just like me, 在法国诞生的水,drink water that passes throughlayers of glaciers rocks, 喝穿过层层冰川、 where it gets its beautiful blend of minerals, 混合矿物质发出美丽光线的水

drink water doesn’t just come from a protected source, 喝不只来自小小的保护地, but a entirely protected ecosystem, 而是来自整个纯净生态系统的水 yes that includes youMonsieurGoat. 对啦,那也包括你!山羊先生

Andyes drink water that has been喝经过了15年 filtered through this mountain for 15 years,山川过滤的水, that’s almost as long as I’ve been alive. 几乎和我的年龄一样大。 Above all, drink water that has nothing to hide.综上,喝无所掩饰的水。

W+K阿姆斯特丹的董事总经理Blake Harrop在报道中称:

W+K一直对依云品牌具有的传承性和创新性所吸引,见面后,更加为他们对环境的责任心所感动,能帮助依云实现可持续发展的目标,他们感到非常骄傲。We’ve always been inspired by the heritage and creativity of the evian brand, but on meeting the people at evian we also became inspired by their commitment to meet ambitious sustainability goals. We’re proud to be helping them build a brand to power that journey.

依云全球市场部副总裁Shweta Harit说:

这次Campaign标志着依云品牌进入一个新的纪元,由于我们的一切都取之于自然,所以开诚布公地讲述依云如何能以可持续的方式提供矿泉水非常重要,这次Campaign成功完成了这个任务。The launch of our new Drink True platform signifies a new era for evian as a brand. We owe everything to nature, so it’s important to be honest and transparent about how we continue to deliver our natural mineral water in a more sustainable way and Drink True illustrates this perfectly.